Big Spruce Brewing Cancels Frontline Appreciation Day

Big Spruce Brewing posted a statement to their Facebook page describing why they've cancelled the upcoming "Frontline Appreciation Day". The post has now gone viral:

"Upon reflection we have decided, in coordination with Old Road BBQ and Tatamgouche Brewing, to cancel this weekend's scheduled Frontline Appreciation Day.

We missed an opportunity to faithfully hold true to our values, and were ignorant to an inconsistency. True reformative change is the goal and we are focused on bringing positive change inside the brewing & hospitality industry, and outside, in the community as a whole. Continuing with this event was not going to align with all of our goals and values.

We love and support front line workers in many facets, we also do not want to imply tacit support of institutions which are in need of long-overdue change.

We want to extend a sincere thank you to those of you who reached out to offer kind guidance and education at this time. This serves as an important reminder to us that there is always room to learn and grow.

Thank you again to everyone who is working to build a more equitable, inclusive and safe society -- and for those that are willing to challenge us to live out our true values."

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