
Membertou Election Results

Terrance Paul Re-Elected for 17th Consecutive Term as Membertou's Chief

Terrance Paul was re-elected as Chief of Membertou today - a four-year term that ensures his leadership into 2020.

Chief Paul received 383 of the 675 votes cast at the Membertou election held Wednesday, demonstrating a strong wave of support for his continued leadership. The win marks his 17th consecutive term as Chief of Membertou, also making him the longest serving elected chief of the community. This year his platform includes commitments to making advancements that demonstrate the community’s perseverance, protects the environment they live in, and encourages progress with purpose.

“I feel honoured and proud that so many community members exercised their right to vote and supported my vision to make our great community even greater,” said Chief Paul. “I am eager to meet with our councilors and to move our community forward, together.”

Other community members vying for chief were Darrell Bernard, who received 188 votes, and Edwin LaPorte who claimed 104 votes. Chief Paul said that both candidates ran impressive campaigns and that they shed light on important issues that should be revisited by chief and council.

“Membertou is growing, and each day we make decisions that have an impact on our community’s future,” said Chief Paul. “And the greatest and most important outcome of any of those decisions, is improving the lives of our elders, children and our grandchildren. They are the reason why I have committed the last 32 years to leading this community, and I am humbled that they continue to believe in me.”

For the next four years, Chief Paul will serve alongside 12 elected band councilors, also elected Wednesday. This year’s election resulted in four (4) new council members: Craig Christmas, Cary Paul, Graham Marshall and Gail Christmas. Returning council members are Paul MacDonald, David Marshall, Johanna Laporte, Quism Paul, Lee Gould, Buster Matthews, Robin Googoo and Dean Christmas.

For more information visit Chief Terry Paul's website.

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Terrance Paul Re-Elected for 17th Consecutive Term as Membertou's Chief
Gov Government News First Nations


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