Renal Dialysis Clinic in Glace Bay

Will we ever see a dialysis unit in Glace Bay ? Most of the patients that are on dialysis are from Glace Bay . Three days a week or more they have to travel to the Regional Hospital for their dialysis . Most are on the machine from three to four hours a session When their session is finished some have to wait 2 to 3 hours for their transportation home. Whether it is by handi-transit or however. In 1996 a man left 1.7 million dollars and the interest was to be used for a renal dialysis unit in Glace Bay . To date they are doing a study to see where the best place at the Glace Bay Hospital would be to set one up. This started in 1996 and to date there is still no confirmation. Is the money going to a dialysis unit or will it go to another source?

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Joe Ward Follow Me
Very interesting, John. You should email [email protected] with these concerns, and see if you get a response. MLA for Glace Bay, Geoff MacLellan, is someone else these questions could be sent to, via [email protected]. If you contact the MLA, I would also email MLA Alfie MacLeod at the same time - since he's been one of the ones trying to put *some* focus on our health care issues here in Cape Breton: [email protected]. As such, he might be more incentivized in getting an answer to your questions. I would ask them for a status on the funding you referenced, where those monies are now or how they were spent, and if there is any further active interest in setting up dialysis in Glace Bay. 20 years have passed. Someone should have some information about what happened.
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