The Epic History of the Tech Sector on Cape Breton Island! A first-hand account of what really happened in public and behind the scenes. I name names ... over 100 of them ... and their roles in doing good or bad. 22 10.9k 61 SUMMARY
2021-11-03 1:55 PM ADT Martin MacLellan Commented on: ‘Art of the deal’ know-how missing in Cape Breton Regional Munici Mary Campbell has often reported on the antics and council meetings of CBRM and is an excellent source for factual information. If you don't have access to her site SUMMARY
2021-11-03 1:29 PM ADT Mathew Georghiou Commented on: ‘Art of the deal’ know-how missing in Cape Breton Regional Munici I don't want to get in the middle of this one, but I don't think this is an accurate reflection of what really happened with these various projects. SUMMARY
2021-11-03 1:11 PM ADT Debbie Keating Commented on: ‘Art of the deal’ know-how missing in Cape Breton Regional Munici Cheryl at no time has anyone suggested that Marty Chernin would benefit from a Municipal library being build on that site. As a matter of fact, he was giving part of his land for the libr... SUMMARY