2015-06-24 2:14 PM ADT David Rae Commented on: Scotia Rail Development Society! Save the Rail Line! Elva is doing a great job to open up communications on the rail issue. I've added an update which will be on the Scotia Rail Development Society website & e-newsletter soon. The main n... SUMMARY
2015-06-23 2:34 PM ADT Mathew Georghiou Commented on: Scotia Rail Development Society! Save the Rail Line! Elva, I have to say that this is a really great post and a really good use of goCapeBreton.com. I like how you provided a brief overview of your group with a summary of your mission, the... SUMMARY
2015-06-22 3:23 PM ADT Rory Andrews Commented on: Scotia Rail Development Society! Save the Rail Line! Does anybody wonder why there's still people in trains driving them? I mean, we're so close to autonomous cars, and they have to drive everywhere all willy nilly. Trains are literally on ... SUMMARY