2015-07-29 12:10 PM ADT Peter Ross Commented on: REVISITING: How do we fix Cape Breton? Rory, I really like how you manage to distill big complex issues into matters of common sense. I'm not sure I have any more smarts than you [though I would like to think that my cooki... SUMMARY
2015-07-29 10:25 AM ADT James MacKinnon Commented on: REVISITING: How do we fix Cape Breton? I've ranted many times that small business startups are the better approach, so I'll try to keep this short. + Fewer resources are required to get started and gauge market potential. ... SUMMARY
2015-07-31 9:09 AM ADT Gary LeDrew Commented on: REVISITING: How do we fix Cape Breton? Generally here people do not seem to like immigrants which has to change we need all the people we can get and mostly they bring money and new ideas. to me the biggest selling feature of ... SUMMARY