goCapeBreton.com is providing a page for candidates during the Provincial Election.
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Mike Johnson
Commented on: New Central Library, Where Art Thou?
Although you can make the case that 'acclamation' skirts the best principles of democracy, at least 3 of the Councilors who were acclaimed, deserved it, as they had high recognition withi...
Pauline MacLellan
Commented on: New Central Library, Where Art Thou?
Terrific article! It needs to be seen by EVERY voter in Cape Breton!! Explains very well what should always be a priority but has purposely been ignored by the previously elected mayors a...
Raymond Mac Donald
Commented on: New Central Library, Where Art Thou?
THE PROBLEM: CBRM needs to come up with a new way to conduct business which is gonna be difficult with the number of councillors getting in by acclamation and the fact that the same old s...
News & Issues
Tap to view allMost Liked
Tap to view allWhatever Happened to the CBRM Council?
15 Voter Demands: The CBRM Councillors' Pledge
Ask your district councillor and their opponents to pledge their acceptance of these 15 demands for better, and more responsible #CBRM leadership. Please share.
We're Gonna Build a Port... And The Chinese Are Gonna Pay for It!
As the municipal election quickly approaches we have to start asking the big questions as voters: Are we just being lead along with big Trump-like promises?