Highlanders Basketball Team Sign Power Forward

The Cape Breton Highlanders professional basketball team has signed power forward Rashaun Stimage (pictured above).

Stimage is a 6.9”, power forward who played at Depaul University in Chicago, NCAA Division 1 school. In his 2015-16 senior year, he averaged 5.3 points and 4.1 rebounds per game.

Highlanders President and General Manager, Tyrone Levingston said, “Rashaun was a player highly recommended by Coach Dean Murray, who has great ties in the NBA Development Leauge from his coaching days with that league. When watching Rashaun his potential jumped off the screen, and he possessed a very high motor that you only dream of in a young talent like Stimage. With his size, rebounding ability, and high motor, signing Rashaun was a no brainer.”

Stimage is excited to begin his professional basketball career with the Cape Breton Highlanders.


You can watch the Highlanders first game on Tuesday, December 27th at Centre 200 where they will face off against the Halifax Hurricanes.

The Cape Breton Highlanders Franchise is one of 10 professional basketball teams in the National Basketball League of Canada.  The Highlanders’ ownership group is comprised of successful business and community leaders in Cape Breton and led by President and General Manager Tyrone Levingston. The Highlanders inaugural season begins December 2016.  Season tickets are on sale now - find out more


“Basketball is our product, but community is our mission.”


Website: www.HighlandersBasketball.ca 

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Twitter:  @cbHighlanders

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