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Mathew Georghiou
Commented on: Play Cape Breton WORD6 — It's like Wordle but different!
Hey Elizabeth, that's great to hear! It does look like we need to remove Rossendale — thanks for helping us improve the game!

Elizabeth Young
Commented on: Play Cape Breton WORD6 — It's like Wordle but different!
Sorry for being negative. My husband and I love the game and play it every day. It's a bit of a competition but end up helping one another. Lol Thanks for getting back to me. 😊

Mathew Georghiou
Commented on: Play Cape Breton WORD6 — It's like Wordle but different!
Oh boy, we will have to look into that. Other than that, are you enjoying the game? That would be nice to hear too :-)