Play Cape Breton WORD6 — It's like Wordle but different!

WORD6 is like Wordle but different!

You have 6 tries to guess the word (or words) related to Cape Breton Island — places, people, schools, and more.

The game resets every day at midnight with a new word.

< Click here to PLAY >

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Marion Coady-Soroka Follow Me
Well this game is a challenge. Frustrating but a challenge. Thought I knew lots about CB BUT clearly not enogh
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
My approach is to focus on finding as many letters as possible in the first few guesses. I don't try to solve the puzzle early since that is difficult. So I treat it like a word scramble. Find all the letters first, then make a guess. Unlike Wordle, Word6 allows you to use nonwords so that opens it up for testing as many letters as possible.
Leslie Dunn Follow Me
Is there a question each day to help you with how to answer?
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Leslie, are you asking if there is a hint available with each puzzle? The answer is no --- no hint.
Lyn Ballam Follow Me
Thanks for the tip, Matthew, I have been using it and solving all the time now!
Elizabeth Young Follow Me
Today's word6 was Rossendale. This is not in Cape Breton, but on the mainland! I'm not impressed! 😔
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Oh boy, we will have to look into that. Other than that, are you enjoying the game? That would be nice to hear too :-)
Elizabeth Young Follow Me
Sorry for being negative. My husband and I love the game and play it every day. It's a bit of a competition but end up helping one another. Lol Thanks for getting back to me. 😊
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Hey Elizabeth, that's great to hear! It does look like we need to remove Rossendale — thanks for helping us improve the game!

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