Cape Breton Weather LIVE ! Current conditions, forecasts, live cameras, weather radar, and more all on one page! 19 68.5k 11 SUMMARY
2024-11-20 11:14 PM AST Mark Floerke Commented on: TOM URBANIAK: Coastal non-protection could haunt Houston’s legacy Not likely as much as it should have. I haven’t seen anything the PC’s have actually accomplished, from what was promised in the last campaign. And now they are running on almost the sa... SUMMARY
2024-11-19 8:29 PM AST Bill Fiander Commented on: TOM URBANIAK: Coastal non-protection could haunt Houston’s legacy What effect will this article by Tom Urbaniak have on the N.S. Election? SUMMARY
2022-09-13 9:40 AM ADT Rohn MacLeod Commented on: Hurricane Earl Brushes Cape Breton Island ATV reporting it was warm and beautiful in Cape Breton when beaches had huge waves, the road to Big Glace Bay Beach was flooded and the wind is just starting to subside! Earl was very cl... SUMMARY