There isn't enough business to justify rail line across Cape Breton, study finds

Railway says 10,000 rail cars a year needed to make line viable

CBC NewsTom Ayers

An engineer who helped author a 2023 study into the viability of a rail line across Cape Breton says there aren't enough businesses on the island that need to ship by train to justify fixing up the crumbling rail bed, bridges and tracks.

Dan MacDonald, of DMDE Engineering, said officials wanted to do a study to demonstrate the need for a functioning rail line with a container terminal project.

To do that, the rail company has said it needs to run at least 10,000 rail cars across Cape Breton Islan…


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There isn't enough business to justify rail line across Cape Breton, study finds


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CBC NewsTom Ayers, Posted: May 07, 2024 12:27 PM EDT | Last Updated: 12 minutes ago
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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
The Container Port/Railway is CBRM'S version of THE BIG LIE and the part of MY PILLOW GUY is played by Barbusci.
Debbie Keating Follow Me
100% agree with you. Cecil and company used this as an election platform for 8 years with PR support from the “admin twins” Usher and Walsh but really nobody bought the plot. It was a total joke….and now we have “the twist” to justify Barbusci and a new election platform. Current council knows nothing of this re-direction in the contract with Novaporte (so is it even legal)?? By tossing in the words “wind energy” they think it now gives the project validity….but basically, it is a salvage dumping ground for wind parts. Probably looking a lot like the CME grounds that Cecil locked our North Sydney waterfront into. Until there is a complete change in administration, landing in a new transparent direction, we will have continuance of the same misappropriation of tax payers dollars!!!
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
What a setup for Cecil's announcement that he is running and another extension for Barbusci.Hope folks start now and beg their councillor not to fall for this again and if you sense their apprehension vote them out. Put our money into tourism and hospitality. Now that.........we are good at.
Mike Johnson Follow Me
Even the numbers in this article are fictious. When the trains stopped in 08/2015, there was 500 cars/year and at least one customer prefers having their product by truck right to their door. Where specifically are the 3000 cars going to come from, let alone 9300? If 2 CBRM Mayors and the Councils had spent as much time, effort and money on creating a better entrepreneurial environment in CB, we'd be much better off.

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