1 Kilometer Of Graffiti And Vandalism In Coxheath Aimed At RHS

Warning: Graffiti photos include profanity as well as offensive statements.

UPDATE (9/9/2017 at 2:30 PM): Several Sydney Academy students have reportedly organized to start cleaning up the damage.

A community group for Coxheath has posted 60 pictures of graffiti and vandalism that hit a one-kilometer path between Riverview High School and the Burger King location in Sydney River.

The graffiti was done in blue and white spray paint and frequently uses the initials SA in reference to Sydney Academy graduates of 2018. There are also offensive statements directed at RHS (Riverview Rural High School).

It is a tradition for Riverview Rural High School graduates to paint the trestle on Keltic Drive each year.

If the act of vandalism was motivated by a high school rivalry, it went far beyond defacing the trestle. There are thousands of dollars in damages. Sidewalks, street signage, fire hydrants, parking lots, compost bins, yard sale signs, private business signs, bridge rails, guard rails, various bridge components, and the roadway were extensively defaced.

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Steven Smith Follow Me
This "tradition" of painting the trestle needs to end. It is completely unnecessary. There are many other ways to promote school spirit and encourage friendly competition. The CBRM Police, school board and parents need to make it very clear this practice is now a thing of the past.
Ashley Macneil Follow Me
Could not disagree more. I was a rhs graduate and nothing is better than seeing a freshly painted tressle and the ones that come after it. The road and 1km of graffiti is rediculous but the tressle should be enjoyed forever. It doesn't hurt anyone.

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