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100 Women Who Care CBRM is excited to announce that they are celebrating 10 years of giving and sharing. To date 100 Women Who Care CBRM has donated to more than 40 charitable organizations in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. The next giving circle will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at the Nova Scotia Community College, Building B, 500 Esplanade, Sydney. Networking begins at 5:30 p.m., with presentations and voting taking place from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. New members are welcome to join the giving circle. 100 Women Who Care CBRM are happy to welcome media to attend events hosted in the community. Registration is open to local women who reside within the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, those who are willing to travel to attend the four quarterly meetings per year, or any woman who wishes to commit to a quarterly donation of $100. Upon registration, members are asked to nominate a local non-profit charity or organization. Participation in 100 Women Who Care is simple. There is a random draw two weeks prior to each event to determine which three of the vetted charities are nominated to potentially receive the donation. One representative from each of the three charitable organizations will have five minutes to present to the members, and the members then place their vote. The charity with the most votes secures the impact donation.

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New members are welcome to join the giving circle.
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