2015 Lorway Fund Award Recipients Announced

L-R: Chris Lorway, Lori Burke of the Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design, Douglas Arthur Brown of Boularderie Island Press, Emma Donahue of Pastry in Pumps, Richard Lorway  (Photo: Corey Katz)

The first in a series of annual community grant recipients were announced earlier today. The Lorway Fund awards - created to honour the memory of Charles and Wayne Lorway and their impact on their family, friends and community - were presented to Douglas Arthur Brown of Boularderie Island Press, Emma Donahue of Pastry in Pumps, and Lori Burke of the Centre for Craft and Design.

“There are so many people who have grown up here and have gone on to find great success in other parts of the world,” said Chris Lorway, grandson of Charles and Wayne. “They want a way of giving back. We see this as the beginning of a larger movement, a way for Cape Breton families to continue their legacy of good work in the community – to invest in a place where resources for entrepreneurship, growth, creativity and lifelong learning can be hard to come by”.

The Fund is set up to provide individuals, organizations and businesses with one-time grants to pursue opportunities in entrepreneurship (the creation or advancement of early stage business initiatives), arts and culture development, and/or education or learning activities that advance these causes.

The activities of recipients reflect the Lorway Fund’s overall goal of developing a more vibrant, dynamic, and resilient Cape Breton community and economy.

2015 Recipients

Pastry in Pumps (Emma Donahue): Pastry in Pumps is a bakery business with a focus on cupcakes. The bakery has been operating for more than two years now, predominantly through the Cape Breton Farmer’s Market. The business is looking to expand to a full-time permanent location in Sydney’s Northend. Funds awarded in 2015 will be used to help establish the new takeout bakery and tea room location.

Boularderie Island Press (Douglas Arthur Brown): Boularderie Island Press has been able to use its award from the 2015 Lorway Fund awards to attend the Word on the Street Book Festival in Halifax. Word on the Street (WOTS) takes place in several cities each year in Canada. The Halifax WOTS attracts, on average, 25,000 visitors. WOTS is Canada’s most important festival for linking publishers, bookstores, authors, distributors and the public with the writing and publishing sector in Canada. This was the first time Boularderie Island Press was able to attend WOTS as an exhibitor. As an emerging Cape Breton publisher with a national profile, exhibiting at WOTS allowed the company to set-up key meetings before/during/after the festival with library and school acquisition personnel, buyers for independent bookstores, and distributors for its products.

The Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design (Lori Burke): In partnership with Youth Arts Connection (YAC) and inspired by the success of the Paducah, Kentucky Artist Relocation Program, the Centre for Craft and Design will use funds to conduct a research project on emerging artists in residence and artist relocation opportunities.

New Dawn Community Education Foundation

The Lorway family has established the Fund through New Dawn’s Community Education Foundation. The New Dawn Community Education Foundation was created to provide education, learning, conversation and research opportunities around community economic and social development.

New Dawn Enterprises Limited is the oldest Community Development Corporation in Canada and is a Founding Member of the Canadian CED (Community Economic Development) Network.  Its mission is to engage the community to create and support a culture of self-reliance. 

New Dawn is a private, volunteer directed business dedicated to community building. New Dawn seeks to identify community needs and to establish and operate ventures that speak to those needs.


Erika Shea

Director, Communications

[email protected]


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