2nd Request to Have RCMP Investigate NS Government....

The following letter was sent to acting RCMP Commissioner, John Ferguson. This is the second request sent in the past few weeks. If politicians can tell the RCMP to ignore citizens and their claims against the government, there is a major problem with our democracy. We will push this issue as hard as we need to, and we will not stop until the RCMP agrees to meet with us to discuss our concerns surrounding our Constitutional rights and the corruption in the Nova Scotia Provincial Government. Cape Breton and rural Nova Scotia must not be continually used to generate funding that we do not benefit from. Keeping us in poor fiscal capacity on purpose is a crime! Here is the letter: Assistant Commissioner John Ferguson Interim Commanding Officer RCMP, Nova Scotia Attention Assistant Commissioner John Ferguson: Dear Assistant Commissioner Ferguson: This is the second letter and request I am making to the RCMP of Nova Scotia. I have heard nothing back from the first letter and that is quite concerning. No response is a response! When a citizen or group of citizens request a discussion with the RCMP it should be taken seriously by the organization and its members, and the organization should not act on political influence and interference not to reply. You see Commissioner Ferguson, the very corruption we want to discuss with you has continued for many decades because the politicians ignore the requests. Please do not do the same thing as all that will achieve is to allow the corruption to continue. The RCMP has an obligation to hear our concerns and complaints regarding the corruption surrounding our elected officials here in Nova Scotia. Crimes against the residents of Nova Scotia should concern you greatly with regards to equalization. The areas in the province that generate this important transfer are being robbed of it completely. Have we reached a stage in Canada that the rule of law means nothing because of political corruption? What does the Constitution of Canada mean to the people of Canada if it is ignored by the very people, we elect to uphold it? It appears that the Government of Canada is no longer representing the citizens of this country. Is ignoring the requests of people the key to allowing corruption to continue? When our constitution is ignored by the elected echelons in this country, it is then up to the national police force, The RCMP, to investigate the situation. We have made that request and I am making a second one here today. If you have been told to ignore myself or the NSEF then please look deep inside yourself and ask why you have been told to ignore this group. We are not ignorant and uneducated individuals. This organization, the NSEF, has been made up of university professors, clergy members, political scientists, lawyers, PhD’s, students, schoolteachers, businesspeople, etc. and we have done our homework. We have asked our provincial government for meetings, clarification, information, etc. that has all been ignored and we have that proof. We have almost 30 years of proof and it has been well documented and please note that the information that has been compiled is 100% government data. Political interference in Nova Scotia is out of control and we wonder who is making the decisions on behalf of the residents of the province because it does not appear to be the people who are elected. It is up to the politicians to defend their actions and the simple fact that they will not come forward to discuss their own data and programs, makes us wonder what they are hiding from the public and is certainly cause for concern. Commissioner Ferguson, I will wait for another week or two, but you need to answer this request for a meeting because ignoring the request is just showing the population, of what I believe to be the most corrupt province in Canada, that the RCMP is not concerned with a major injustice. Please respond and let me and the NSEF know when you will be available to discuss this situation. Ignoring this second request is not in the best interest of Nova Scotia, its citizens or Canada. If the RCMP fails to do its job, then they are as guilty as the government. Regards, Rev. Dr. Albert Maroun on behalf of The Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness & the citizens of Cape Breton and rural Nova Scotia.

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