30 Activities you MUST DO in Cape Breton this summer

The CBU Road Squad has put together a list of 30 must-do Cape Breton challenges. Each time you complete a challenge, take a picture, and share to social media using #CBUStaycation, you have a chance to WIN the ultimate staycation package (worth more than $5k)!

Please note: This contest ended in August 2016. Stay tuned for our updated 2017 list! 

You can complete ANY challenge at ANY time – it’s up to you! The more challenges you complete, the greater your odds are of winning! 

Stay tuned!! We will post one challenge on the blog each weekday, with challenge details and information!

Behold! The #CBUStaycation Challenge List! 

  1. Go Surfing
  2. Find the Fairy Hole
  3. Go to a Margaree Barn Dance
  4. Play Mini Golf
  5. Eat a Local Lobster Sandwich
  6. Swim at Gypsum Mines
  7. Visit Gampo Abbey Buddhist Monastery Shrine
  8. Hike to the End of the Skyline Trail
  9. Find the Waterfalls at Black Brook Beach
  10. Watch the Sunset at Chimney Corner Beach
  11. Canoe or Kayak
  12. Get a Waterfall Shower
  13. Hike to the Top of Franey
  14. Build a Sandcastle
  15. Take a Photo at the St. Ann’s Look Off 
  16. Find Devil Hill Falls
  17. Swim at Polar Bear Beach
  18. Take the Eskasoni Cultural Tour
  19. Hike Uisge Bán Falls
  20. Enjoy a Frozen Treat from Lick-a-treat
  21. Find Cape Clear
  22. Camp on any Cape Breton Campground or Beach
  23. Visit Mary Ann Falls
  24. Hike the Kauzmann Trail
  25. Hike Salt Mountain
  26. Go Whale Watching
  27. Go Go-Karting
  28. Go Stand up Paddle boarding
  29. Swim in Egypt Falls
  30. Go Fishing

Want to know more? Click here for more information on how you can win the ultimate Cape Breton Staycation

Contest closes on August 28, 2016, at 11:59pm. The ultimate draw will occur on August 31, 2016, at 1:00 pm via Facebook Live and Snapchat! All participants are automatically entered for a chance to win a weekly prize as well as the ultimate prize. 


 CBUniversity      CBUroadsquad       CBUniversity

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Join the #CBUStaycation Challenge and WIN the ultimate Staycation package (worth more than $5k!) by completing these fun and exciting challenges!
Living Parks, Nature, Outdoors Trails, Hiking, Adventure Location CBRM Location First Nations Location Inverness Location Richmond Location Victoria


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Gordon Kerr Follow Me
You can also GO SAILING in St. Peter's. Visit www.itsaRAP.ca
Marie Aucoin Follow Me
Did you know that you can also snorkel with whales in the waters around Cheticamp? The Snorkel with Whales office is located across from the Gabriel restaurant. Call 1-844-234-7358 or visit www.novascotiawhales.com .
Deana Lloy Follow Me
The Catwalk Show of Art is an amazing challenge!! 24 fiberglass cat statues to find throughout CBRM, designed by local artists. As well as download the scavenger hunt from the webpage. To activate the interactive Google map visit the webpage. The Catwalk is supported by the Feral and Abandoned Cat Society capebretoncatwalk.com
Randy Pointkoski Follow Me
The top of the list for 2017 should be to attend World Oceans Day Festival in Iona June 8 to 11 https://arosnamara.wordpress.com/home/events/
Arleen Musgrave Follow Me
You can dragon boat paddle in Sydney
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