63rd Annual Broad Cove Scottish Concert (July 28, 2019)

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Join us for the 63rd Annual Broad Cove Scottish Concert on July 28, 2019

The Broad Cove Scottish Concert, celebrating its 62nd concert, is deemed as the largest outdoor Scottish concert in Cape Breton. The concert holds great significance to the musical culture of our Scottish heritage. The strong dedication of our volunteers has made this concert possible throughout the years. On this, our 62nd anniversary, we salute our volunteers. Entertainment includes traditional piping, fiddling, drumming, dancing and singing. 

Always held on the last Sunday of July, the concert begins at 3:00 PM. The grounds boast 15 acres of available free parking for up to 2000 cars, full canteen service, merchandising and souvenir booth, fully accessible washrooms and grounds, and a refreshment tent for those who are 19 and above with on-site security. The concert is located 3 km north of Inverness on Route 19 on the grounds of St. Margaret of Scotland Parish.

Entry Admission $20.00, Children under 12 free.

The OFFICIAL 2019 Broad Cove Scottish Advertisement featuring the voice of Joe Murphy. 

Video by Liam MacDonald

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63rd Annual Broad Cove Scottish Concert
Accessibility Accessible Parking Accessibility Accessible Washroom Demographic Adults (19+) Demographic Seniors Demographic Youth Events Concerts, Music, Theatre Location Inverness Broad Cove


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