9 Nail Salon Safety Tips

To many, a trip to your local nail salon is a relaxing and luxurious outing that leaves your hands and feet sparkling new, and your mind at ease. It's almost enough to make one forget that strangers are digging into your cuticles with metal, and coating your vulnerable extremities with abrasive and sometimes hazardous chemicals. 

That last thought aside, we at goCapeBreton.com love our local nail saloons, and are no strangers to random bouts of self-indulgent appendage beautification. But not all nail saloons are created equally, and in light of recent news reports, it's more important than ever to trust your local nail technician.

So here are 9 Nail Salon Safety Tips to keep you secure and comfortable during your next salon outing.

1. Do Your Research

We're not exactly sure who writes all those reviews online, but where would we be without them? In the information age, we have the power to research and learn about any and every product before buying, so why wouldn't you do your homework before trusting someone with your own hands and feet? 

With the proper amount of research, you can also discover what certifications your local salon holds, or possible lapses in safety records.

2. Communicate with Your Technician

Miscommunication within a nail salon is the primary cause of nail salon infections and lawsuits from infections. Before settling down and getting comfortable in your massage chair, ask questions regarding the manicure process, products used, and experience in the field. Let them know about any conditions or cuts you may have on your hands and feet, as these hold the greatest risk for infection.

3. How are they Disinfecting Their Tools?

Unless the tools are one-use, all manicure and pedicure instruments should be properly sterilized. This can be done with either a liquid disinfectant, or an autoclave that uses steam and pressure to kill all living pathogens. 

4. Are the Technicians Wearing Gloves and Masks?

Although in many places, gloves and masks are not mandatory for nail salon technicians, it will give you an indication of how seriously they take safety within their shop. Gloves can protect the technician, as well as you from harmful bacteria, and masks can protect the technician from overexposure to salon chemicals.

5. Be on the Lookout

Is the floor of the nail salon dirty? Have you seen the state of the salon bathroom? Are the work stations clean and the employees put together? If a salon doesn't clean it's floors or bathroom often, they may take the same approach to their instruments and products. Be wary of unkempt salons.

6. Use Your Nose

Nail salons use a number of scented and potentially hazardous chemicals in their beautification processes. For this reason, many provinces require nail salons to have proper ventilation to prevent buildup of dangerous chemicals. This is to protect both the patrons and the technicians, but if you're hit by a strong scent of turpentine upon entering a salon establishment, it might be a sign that it's a potentially harmful environment.

7. Are the Technicians Re-using Tools?

Many tools, such as nail files, are perfect environments to harbour fungal or bacterial disease from the last customer. For this reason, many provinces require these tools to be single use.

Watch where your technician pull their tools from. Single use tools should be opened in front of you, and if not, don't be afraid to ask if it has been used before.

8. Manicures should not Cause Pain

Your technician's overly abrasive technique is not a sign of her healthy work attitude. Hands and feet are delicate instruments, and if you leave a nail salon in pain due to cuts, scrapes, or chemicals, it may be due to unskilled technicians, or worse.

Cuts on your hands and feet can cause painful fungal or bacterial infections, and should never be caused by trained professionals.

9. Know your Products

Whether polish, remover, or caps, all products used in a respectable nail salon should be clearly labeled and displayed. 

Many salon chemicals are potentially harmful to you and your technician. Proper precautions and labeling should be in place.

Follow these tips for a safe and professional nail salon experience, but above all, once you find your salon of choice, relax, get comfortable, and enjoy your contribution to the local economy.

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