A Boy from the Hub

This article is a little longer than most of my articles but it because the man I interviewed has lead quite a diverse life traveling from Glace Bay to China and working places in between but alas this story begins with humble beginnings. Jude Kelly was born in the Hub. Jude’s father moved his family from a company house to one he built at Churchill Centre, which was across from St. John’s Church. Many fond memories were had there playing hockey and baseball with the other kids in the neighborhood, incidentally, he won the most valuable team-player trophy for the one year he played for "The New Aberdeen Fence Busters" (Little-bigger-league) in Glace Bay. Jude attended St. John’s School; he left Glace Bay at sixteen and moved to Toronto where he found a job working in a Sheet Metal Shop. After a year of homesickness, however, he moved back home and was hired-on at #26 Colliery as a "Pit Pony driver" in 1954/55 at seventeen. This was his first time underground, which he recalls as being a little unnerving, “it was dark and damp,” he said, when remembering his first time down in the mine. When most people think of Jude, they think of singer with The Men of the Deeps but don’t necessarily know about his wide and varied careers in his life and the places that they took him. If you want to read more about Jude's life please visit my blog at www.myglacebay.com.

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