A Celtic Family Christmas [TV SPECIAL]

A one-hour special with the MacMaster-Leahy family will premiere in December. It's called "A Celtic Family Christmas".

From marblemedia:

"This Christmas, world-famous fiddler Natalie MacMaster, her fellow fiddler husband Donnell Leahy, their seven incredible children who play the fiddle, sing, dance along with a number of special guests, will be inviting North American families into their Christmas celebrations, filled with music, dance, storytelling and kinship. The filming of A Celtic Family Christmas will take place just outside Peterborough and Toronto in November, culminating with a performance in front of a live studio audience.

Both internationally acclaimed award-winning musicians in their own right, as a duo Natalie and Donnell are recipients of a Canadian Folk Music Award (2015) and an East Coast Music Award (2016), have collaborated on albums One (2015) and A Celtic Family Christmas (2016) and have been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Trent University.  Natalie, Donnell, and their family, have an extensive discography with 12 albums which including 11 solo albums for Natalie MacMaster."

Read the full press release here

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Phil Irons Follow Me
How inconvenient that the magazine should be delivered to my door with the Saturday Cape Breton Post...the very day that the special was to air, and without any other notice of its broadcast. Fortunately, Vision TV will be re-broadcasting later in the week, and I will record it then. Sorry, goCB.com, razzberries this time!
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Phil, it's great that you appreciate our free magazine delivered directly to your home for free to inform you about an upcoming event you are very interested in. This story was posted weeks ago right here on goCapeBreton.com, so now that you are a member (also free) you will be able to read all the news related to Cape Breton Island as it happens. And, what a treat, raspberries out of season, thank you! :-) (Yes, we know what you meant by razzberries, but doesn't kindness taste so much better?)

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