A Warning From Ontario to CBRM

M. Reynolds of Blakeney,  Ontario has a blunt warning for residents of CBRM. ATV Trails in residential areas do not work and cause a huge loss in quality of life and property value. You can read the full article here (Click Here) but here are his blunt warnings:


Screenshot From: A cautionary tale on development of the rail trail


Screenshot From: A cautionary tale on development of the rail trail


Screenshot From: A cautionary tale on development of the rail trail

Riddle Me This...

Do you think CBRM Council has the best interests of the residents who live along the trail, at heart, with respect to the ATV Trail in District 9/10?

Do you think CBRM Council is being transparent about the detrimental effects the ATV Trail will have on our communities?

Do you think that CBRM Council and the CBRM planning department has done due diligence with respect to this project?

Do you think CBRM Council believes that an ATV Trail through a dense residential area makes the community safer and healthier?

Do you think CBRM Council will hold themselves accountable when they finally realize The Big 2020 Trail Mistake they made?

So many questions but at least this has already been experienced many times across Canada so surely the answers are well known!

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galen thurber Follow Me
Oil & gas industry sycophant army are not going to like anyone questioning their "exercise" sport NS continues gives grants for these "exercise" groups
galen thurber Follow Me
archiving this article before it gets banned https://archive.is/OYM2H
galen thurber Follow Me
If the trail was for zero emission transport only the ATV users & clubs would vehemently oppose it
Duncan Macmillan Follow Me
It’s probably going to be better than there main roads the trail will be looked after
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