Advanced Glazings Completes Order For Kuwait University

Artist rendering - Sabah Al-Salem College for Business, Kuwait

Advanced Glazings in Sydney recently completed a large order of their flagship window product, Solera, to be installed in a 40,000 square-foot skylight at a new university campus in Kuwait.  

Michelle Milburn

“Seeing the last shipment go out the door was a big day for our company,” said Chief Operating Officer Michelle Milburn. “It was a big project for us, and our team performed with flying colours.”


Solera is comprised of specialized material that is sandwiched between window glass. It diffuses sunlight to manage glare, while providing superior insulation from extreme hot and cold temperatures. Solera is used in glass structures that do not need see-through visibility.


“Kuwait has the opposite problem to Canada,” said Michelle. “They have too much heat, and with summer temperatures hitting 48 degrees Celsius, they need insulation to keep heat out of buildings to reduce cooling costs.”


Solera is manufactured at Advanced Glazings’ facility on Kings Road in Sydney and shipped to customers worldwide. Founded in 1995, Advanced Glazings employs 26 people in their local production facility and 4 sales reps in international markets.


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