An Election Issue: Civility

The sun is shining, leaves are turning brilliant shades of red, and our candidates for CBRM council and mayor are finding creative ways to campaign in a pandemic. 

I’ve watched some Facebook Live Q & A sessions, some candidates driving around with Ripple FX TV, telling us about their records and ideas and taking questions. Some candidates have very informative websites with interactive features and a candidate in Glace Bay has invited us to watch as he builds a performance piece with wood and concrete (his first time mixing it).

Our candidates are reaching out to us as they should. I am grateful that so many people have stepped up. 

However, there is a candidate who is acting extraordinarily inappropriate in this, a municipal election. 

Candidates have time to get their messages out there in clear and respectful ways; I share the screenshots below in an attempt to spur all candidates to keep our election positive, free of disrespectful comments and unfortunate attacks. 

Let us all demand more. 

If you see problematic campaigning, speak up. We can do better. 

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