An Election Issue: Sexism

In August of this year, Mayor of Port Hawkesbury, Brenda Beaton-Chisholm, wrote about the abuse that she has been forced to endure as an elected female mayor.

You can read about her experiences here.

Beaton-Chisholm ended her essay this way: 

“With that, I will end with a simple request.

Raise your voices, and expose the truth about the “dark side” of politics.

The proponents of divisive and negative politics only have power if you continue to let them.” 

And so I will speak up, as I know that others have, about the sexism that Amanda McDougall has faced as she campaigns to be our next mayor.

I do not know Councillor McDougall personally but I am sure that she, like Mayor Beaton-Chisholm will find healthy ways to deal with the dark side of being a woman in politics.

But she should not have to. 

And we should show her and all of our present and future female candidates that we have their backs. 

The first and third posts come from Chris Abbass’s Facebook page. The second from Archie MacKinnon’s Facebook page. 

If if you think that this kind of sexism in campaigning in unethical, please let Mr. Abbass and Mr. Kinnon know. Cast some light into the dark side of politics.

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Joe Ward Follow Me
It's very surprising to me that there are any people left out there still willing to give Abbass their support. For those I've encountered, I've found them arrive with the sole purpose of trolling my campaign. Thus, like attracts like in the Abbass campaign.
Lorna MacNeil My Post Follow Me
The level of negativity from Abbass and MacKinnon is surprising to me. I don’t know any of the candidates personally, but it seems that they are unable to stick to issues.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Abbass is new to my radar. He prefers to enjoy fighting with people. Archie had some sincerity in his campaign, but I think he lost sight of why he was running. He was always sort of an activist against Cecil Clarke. But now he's willing to target McDougall even if it means that Clarke might edge her out in the election—with Archie's assistance. The lesson is: leadership can't be run almost entirely on anger.

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