An Election Issue: Wacky Times at CBRM High

If you watched the CBRM mayoral election last night, you likely:

1. Decided to crack open a beer and try to come up wth a title for the reality show that could spin off the event: Maybe “And Then There Were Four.”

2. Finally found your ear phones just as Archie MacKinnon was promising that the Toronto Maple Leafs would skate down to CBRM for a fundraiser should he get to wear the mayor’s crown and so thought you still couldn’t hear what was being said.

3. Decided to get what information you could out of the chaos. Yeah. (Amanda MacDougall was professional and prepared but deserved a better forum than she found herself in.)

But enough of the debate, for now.

I want to show, by posting screenshots from candidate Archie MacKinnon’s Facebook page just how low down this campaign has become.

Let’s not let candidates get away with smearing other candidates in the hope that they somehow rise in the voter’s estimation.

When you see bullying or lying from our candidates,please call it out. We all deserve better. Ask them to stick to the issues or to step aside.

These screenshots from Archie MacKinnon’s social media posts show a extraordinarily negative campaign thus far.

(Ripple FX TV hosted the debate.)

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