An Independent MLA makes powerful comments about our situation...

An Independent MLA makes powerful comments about our Provincial Legislature!

Father Maroun of the NSEF, speaks openly to a MLA about our MLA's being muzzled by party leaders. The Cape Breton Situation Podcast has a great discussion with Alana Paon about her experiences within the PC party and as an independent MLA.  Party Leaders need to remember that our elected officials work for us, the people who elect and pay them.  MLA's should be allowed to speak about the issues facing their constituents openly and without that, we have no democracy.  Here lies Cape Bretons biggest politics!

Here is the podcast:

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Charles Sampson Follow Me
Independent MLA Alana Paon has introduced this Private Members Bill trying to eliminate one of the reasons MLAs are gagged from speaking on behalf of their constituents by the political party system, which likely died when the Legislature was prorogued. If MLA#, below the party leaders perhaps, were truly interested in being able to represent their constituents, all of them would be eager to reintroduce this bill to eliminate the Party Whip’s role. The elimination of this undemocratic practice to gag MLAs can only help to give more political power and influence back to the people where it belongs.
Kristina Rawlings Follow Me
North America's biggest problem - party politics!

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