An Open Letter to CBRM Residents

Dear Neighbours,

For almost thirty years, CBRM has been on the same path, heading in the same direction: record high poverty, unemployment, crippling high property/business taxes, and a vanishing population – taking with it our doctors, our teachers, our industry, and our innovators. Too many of our seniors struggle to heat their homes and have to choose between medication or food. Our adult children have no choice but to move away to find work – and too few return. The stress and anxiety of just making ends meet is fuelling a mental health and addiction crisis.  The path we are on is littered with decades-old broken promises and missed opportunities.

How did we get here?

We’re in this state today because election after election we have voted for the same kinds of people; great people, generous people, people we love. We voted for our friends and for our neighbours. We voted for familiar names and faces. Sometimes we voted for people just because we thought “they deserve to win”, as if a seat in municipal office is a reward for community involvement – which, of course, it is not. Time after time we vote with our hearts because, after all, Cape Bretoners are the kindest, most generous people.

But that kindness, and our attachment to the familiar, is killing us.

This year there is a new generation of candidates, for Mayor and for Council, who have the vision and strategic planning skills to get CBRM off this path of poverty and heartbreak, and on the road to prosperity. Push your local candidates (like me) for specifics. Ask, “what is your plan?”.  Don’t settle for vagueries like “I will work for you”, or “I will listen to you”, or “I have enthusiasm”.  You deserve more than that. You deserve to hear an actual plan for our future. And if your candidate can’t deliver that now – on the campaign trail – they certainly won’t be any more forthcoming after the election.

There are 12 districts in CBRM. This means we have a chance to fill the council seats with 12 people of substance; a chance to breathe new life into this region. We can stay on the old, familiar path. Or we can vote for people with vision and strategy, capable of planning for a better future … it’s up to you.

Sincerely, Respectfully, and Kindly,

Glen Murrant,

Candidate for CBRM District 3

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Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Glen this is an excellent article, we do need to elect councillors with new ideas I would not call it a plan because the new council needs to work and agree together on these ideas. These ideas also need a business plan first and foremost before they can be called a plan. New council needs to understand business plans and demand them before spending our tax dollars. Too many times millions of dollars being spent on this island in the name of economic development with no business plans. Heavy water plant ! No business plan Magna! No business plan Second berth! No business plan Container terminal! No business plan Giving away Archibalds wharf to a company that relies on government wage subsidy rather than encourage the company to move into an area designated Marine Industrial ! No business plan Buying a condemned wharf and assuming all environmental liability for ship breaking! No business plan Moving the Marconi Campus to the waterfront! No business plan Building a fire station on the parking lot that the Highland Arts Theatre depends on! No business plan Giving exclusive rights to market our port to two individuals with no experience in marketing ports but based on them saying that they invested $1.2 million of their own money ( Nobody asked them to prove it) ! No business plan Developing the Port of Sydney and allowing them to spend the over $2 million collected from port revenues ( we have our own CBRM staff that are quite capable to collect these tariffs )! No business plan We need to elect smarter government who understand and demand business plans before we give them any of our tax dollars I would also like to add that anyone with proven community service is a plus in my mind because it shows that they care about the community but they need to understand and demand business plans This is my opinion and i express my opinion without prejudice I do not allow anyone to share my opinion, it is entirely for viewing only
Glen Murrant My Post Follow Me
This letter is not a "plan", Michael. This is just a letter - asking people to treat elections more like a job-interview.
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
Great letter Glen and all so true. Time to shelve voting 'the old' way and move on. Thanks for this. Sharing it.
Marie MacSween Follow Me
Very good Glen. I would add that as citizens we ask of all candidates “ What promises did you make and what promises did you keep?” And then maybe we‘ll need to ask: WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU NOW?
Glen Murrant My Post Follow Me
Absolutely. 100% If a current councillor is re-offering, then hold them to account. If they've been ineffective for the last 4 years, it's unlikely they're going to be any more effective in the future.
[comment deleted] Posted
Glen Murrant My Post Follow Me
Michael - based or your many random comments, you clearly have a dislike for the Port of Sydney Development Corporation (among other things/people/etc). I would encourage you to express your concerns and opinions in a more cogent manner and publish your own posts on this and other social media platforms. It will enable those who share your views to join the discussion.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Sorry i deleted my comment by mistake I asked Glen if he sits on the board of directors of the Port of Sydney Corporation?
Joe Ward Follow Me
100%. There is no other way to elect a council with the expectation of positive outcomes. To be blunt, there are some wonderful people on Council that have very little to actively contribute to the challenges we face. For all those who watch some of the meetings, this is quite evident. If any of you is willing to vote for *just one person* out of kindness, I ask you: What would you be willing to do for the over 90,000 people that still live here? Are you willing to vote for the candidates who are best able to serve the other 90,000+ people in your community? Or are you stuck on rewarding a familiar candidate who may have spent over a decade occupying a Council seat in the midst of our continued decline? Your ballot is secret. You don't have to worry about someone familiar finding out you voted in favour of a candidate you felt had a better skill set and vision to do a better job. Please do the right thing. Vote based on merit, not on familiarity. Glen is absolutely right. 2020 is offering us a tremendous opportunity to improve our Mayor and Council significantly. I'm very opportunistic about possible outcomes—but we need our informed voters to vote wisely. We can't keep killing our economy with kindness.

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