
Annual Soiree of People With Nicknames (SONG)

Foreword by Duncan Wells

This started out with me wanting to write a simple song about nicknames. It soon became a song about the nicknames I grew up with in Whitney Pier. It then snowballed into a seventeen verse monstrosity that tells an interesting story while making mention of one hundred and ninety seven nicknames, all from Whitney Pier, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. 

I've performed this song only three times in my life because of the length of it. Each time I performed it, it was in front of a group of people who grew up in Whitney Pier. It has never failed that at least one person would tell me (after singing one hundred and ninety seven nicknames) that I forgot to mentioned One-Lung, Knockers, and Ten-Ta-Two.  The truth is, one can only go on for so long. Had I included every single Whitney Pier nickname the song would have been another seventeen verses long. Anyway, the story is, with only three live performances, this song has gained cult notoriety by being the song people heard "about", but never actually "heard". Well, here it is for your listening enjoyment, my tribute to all of the people with nicknames from Whitney Pier.

~ Read the lyrics and listen to the song  HERE. 

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Lyrics and recording of a song by Duncan Wells
A&E Humor


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