NS Premiere of Movie APPARITION HILL on July 9th [VIDEO]

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In 2011, Cape Breton resident Darryl Bach was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Syndrome. Today, he cannot raise his arms above his head, button up a shirt, or keep his head held up for extended periods of time.

Darryl entered a contest in 2015 to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Apparition Hill in Bosnia-Herzegovina, a place of alleged miracles.

He won.

Apparition Hill is a film about Darryl's journey, chosen along with 7 others to visit the small village of Medjugorje, where the Virgin Mary has been reportedly appearing since 1981. Since the original sighting, Medjugorje has become one of the world's most popular Catholic pilgrimages, seeing over one million visitors per year. 

On July 9th, 2016 at 2:00pm, the Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay will screen Apparition Hill for the first time in Nova Scotia. Watch the trailer below.


The movie will be shown at The Savoy Theatre, June 9th at 2:00pm. Tickets are $10 at the door.

If  you would like to know more about Darryl and his daily challenges with ALS, watch his Ice Bucket Challenge video below, produced by Seaside Communications, where Darryl is a System Administrator.

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One local man, fighting ALS, on a journey to a place of alleged miracles. Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay, NS on Saturday, July 9th @ 2pm. $10 at the door.
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