Time: -
Thursday, April 7, 2016
5:15pm - 7:15pm
A live webcast on our YouTube channel will be available here
At the April TecSocial you'll learn about how Ubique Networks will fix the internet...
But, is the internet broken you ask? If you're a gamer, or if you've tried using apps across vast distances, you've likely experienced lag, packet loss or painful delays. Ubique's proprietary technology platform drastically reduces lag through dynamic optimization of game servers. Stated another way, by having cloud based servers that move to minimize and equalize the effects of lag, it puts gamers on a level playing field.
Company founder and CEO, Vijai Karthigesu will provide an overview of what they are building and the team assembled in Sydney. Vijai is a serial entrepreneur, with deep experience in complex networks and Internet of Things (IoT). He has founded or co-founded companies including Nudpam, Cloud Dynamics and SpectraVoice. He holds an Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Waterloo and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University.
TecSocial is a monthly meeting for those with an interest in technology and entrepreneurship. It is a free event and is open to the public. A cash bar will be available and door prizes and appetizers (limited quantities) are compliments of our partners, Innovacorp and Hoiliday Inn Sydney-Waterfront.
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