Artificial Intelligence in CBRM

Today's Quick Quip

The decision to scrap a decade long Active Transportation trail project in favour of an ATV Trail in residential areas must have been based on artificial intelligence because there is no evidence that there was any real intelligence behind the decision.

Active Transportation is defined by CBRM  HERE as "Active transportation refers to any form of human-powered transportation - walking, cycling, wheeling, in-line skating, skateboarding, skiing or paddling." Sorry, no ATVs allowed.

But seriously....

There is no evidence that this decision was brought to CBRM Council for a discussion and a vote. At the end of 2019 (just before the pandemic) the CBRM Council did vote to ratify an agreement with PSPC (Public Works Canada) to acquire land for the explicit use of "Active Transportation". 

It is important that we know why this colossal screw-up happened and who was responsible. The two elected officials who were front and centre of making this happen are shown HERE in a CB Post article. The "WHY" is becoming more and more clear. The Facebook video at the bottom of this article speaks volumes about the why. HINT: the ATV trail provides zero value to me or my family or to the vast majority of residents of the community it runs through. It has been causing lots of problems though.

From this article (Where Has Our Active Transportation Trail Gone?) you can see that your councillors sat in council chambers and agreed on behalf of the residents of CBRM to acquire land from the federal government to build an Active Transportation Trail. This was September of 2019!

And in the video below you can hear Gerard Shaw of PSPC speaking to CBRM council about how the federal government was willing to spend federal taxpayer money to support the Active Transportation trail in CBRM (not an ATV trail). The Active Transportation trail never happened! CBRM built an ATV trail in dense residential areas after taking money from Canadian taxpayers to build an active transportation trail and also spending money from the CBRM Active Transportation trail budget.. As I am writing this, I am wondering about breach of contract.

I plan on writing an article on the Facebook video below where we see our federal MP goes out of his way to not utter the words "ATV" or mention the local ATV Group. I think he is right to stay away from this issue but it tells a story none the less. Public works has assured me that they did not dictate to CBRM to build and ATV trail and both Gerard Shaw and the honorable Mike Kelloway would not dare speak of using Canadian Taxpayer money to build an ATV trail in residential areas. Of course there is also much to talk about regarding what the other two speakers had to say. The video here: Federal Funding For CBRM ATV Residential Trail

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Tars MacEachern Follow Me
So many other areas have walking plus bicycle paths to get people out and be active. When I was younger we had quite a few trails through the woods where we took our horses then ATV’S took over ruining every trail making it unsafe for horses. Too many trails in Cape Breton are now only good for mud trucks and ATV’S. Other areas have trails that are groomed with no motor vehicles allowed. Probably wouldn’t work around here because who is going to obey the signs? ATV’S have wrecked too much property already why take away more land to allow them to ruin areas that should be enjoyable not just for them. Enough is enough
Joseph Campbell My Post Follow Me
Agreed! And they have no place in residential areas for sure. If you are interested in knowing how this happened and why check out this Facebook video and skip ahead to 5:30 to hear our Mayor speak: So many laws being broken and council is not helping Police Services at all.
Rose Courage Follow Me
Wow! After reading this, I don't think I could say that any kind of 'intelligence', artificial or otherwise, is existing in the CBRM! How can an Active Transportation trail become an ATV trail when nobody was looking! Sounds like some underhanded, backroom goings on that the majority of CBRM people are/were not aware of. I am a resident of Sydney but injustice and sneakiness is the same no matter where a person lives....and there seems to be lots of both of those unsavory qualities involved in this whole issue of trying to change an Active Transportation trail to an ATV trail. What of the issue of legality - it appears that decisions were made for land use, and federal money was given for the purpose of an Active Transportation trail according to the documents and information which you have shared. However, if the trail will now be an ATV trail, it would appear that inaccurate information was initially used in reaching an agreement for that land use. It makes a person wonder what else is going on behind closed doors that we CBRM citizens are unaware of.
Joseph Campbell My Post Follow Me
"underhanded, backroom" is exactly right. I couldn't believe some of the things that I have been uncovering. It is so backwards to build an ATV Trail in a residential area that I couldn't believe it when I heard they were doing it. They didn't inform residents of the plan, they had no mandate from the community to do it, they didn't inform residents that it would negatively affect their property value or that there would be an increase in illegal roadway travel by off-road vehicles. But then I found out who was behind it and how it benefitted them, their family and family friends personally and it started to make started to make sense as to why, who and how. So the battle continues! I am glad others like you in CBRM are listening. This is a private Facebook group with more info:
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