Assessments Continue To Rise In CBRM By Design.

PVSC judges a book by its cover….. How can the PVSC determine the value of your home from Halifax? People are contacting the NSEF in droves because of the increase in the property tax assessment of both capped and uncapped amounts. Has the province mandated the PVSC to raise the capped amount to start to raise more taxation on our properties? We allow them to ignore our constitutional rights under section 36 (equalization) but we simply accept when they are raising our home assessments to have us, the taxpayer, pay for the ignorance with regards to equalization fairness. Here is the current board of directors for the PVSC: PVSC's Board of Directors: Joseph Feeney (Chair) - Councillor, Town of Mahone Bay Bobby McNeil (Vice-Chair) - Independent Director Cathie O'Toole- Chief Administrative Officer, Halifax Regional Municipality Doug Boyd - Independent Director Darren Bruckschwaiger - Councillor, Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) Anita Bezeau - Independent Director Tara Maguire - Chief Administrative Officer, Municipality of Chester Laurie Murley - Councillor, West Hants Regional Municipality Glenn Horne - Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Wolfville Juanita Spencer - Chief Executive Officer, Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM) Owen Sagness - Independent Director (CEO, Digital Nova Scotia) Under this unfair system, they are taxing people's homes from a distance…what measures are built into a just assessment for people who live in much older homes that have much need of repair internally when the assessment is from an external view. The NSEF in recent years went to the PVSC office when there was one in Sydney, and it was empty. Month after month, the empty office was paying rent, and no one was working from there. When we questioned it, the office was closed. The taxpayers of Nova Scotia pay for the PVSC. We have included the phone number and email address for the PVSC at the bottom of this posting. The PVSC was established in 2007 and after that the local involvement in establishing our taxes was removed and like everything else in this province, it was centralized in the HRM. We lost our ability to appeal our assessments to local people here. That localized aspect of dealing with our circumstances was removed. We had local inspectors here! Our system today is not fair to residents who live outside the capitol region of Nova Scotia and section 36 of the Canadian Constitution says: Parliament and the government of Canada are committed to the principle of making equalization payments to ensure that provincial governments have sufficient revenues to provide reasonably comparable levels of public services at reasonably comparable levels of taxation The claim on the website that the PVSC is an independent body, is a complete joke. It is established by government legislation and its operation is according to government legislation. Here is their contact info and remember that all appeals must be received by February 13th, 2025 1-800-380-7775 [email protected]

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