Baby, It's Cold Outside back on CBC - Decision Reversed

Citing audience input, CBC has reversed its decision to remove the holiday track Baby, It's Cold Outside from seasonal playlists.

Read the full story at CBC

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Jim Clark Follow Me
Well done CBC!!!
Christine Bonnar Follow Me
This should not of been an issue in the first place. Come on people, get your act together and make more important things an issue. Sometimes I think this world has gone totally NUTS.
Mike Johnson Follow Me
I listened to Information Morning today, where the 2 Commentators (Mike and Jenn) had a great intelligent conversation about Servicom and the government's role in private industry, education and economic development. Then, turned around and completely trashed this playful, frivolous song, that should probably not have rated as a topic in the first place......Jenn espousing the ideals of the MeToo movement in the process. IMO, the MeToo movement dilutes it's own objectives whenever it tries to include every peripheral item and/or stupid male comment into it's cause. Like most causes, it needs to stay focused on information and education around it's core message, or run the risk of losing it's audience. Plus, banning the song is a form of censorship, and we don't need more of that in an environment where democratic principles are already being compromised by toothless FOIPOP and Ombudsman legislation, and government's efforts to manipulate, ignore or misinform the citizens on all serious issues, while denying their legitimate 'right to know'.
dave finlay Follow Me
this is nothing listen to some Eminem

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