Baille Ard Trails - Sydney, NS

With close to 70 acres of Acadian forest and 2 healthy brooks, the 3 kilometer trails are ideal in all four seasons for walking, jogging or pausing to reflect on the wonders of nature. The entrances for the Baille Ard Nature Trail are located on Cottage Road and behind Sherwood Park Education Centre on Terrace St. The trails are only three kilometers from downtown Sydney.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to build and maintain walks in the South End of Sydney and promote their use for educational and recreational purposes.

Trail Development

In the early 1990’s, the Baille Ard Recreation Association identified the development of trails as a priority for the recreation lands set aside in the Baille Ard subdivision. The organization then set about to ensure funding for the development of the trails from the municipal, provincial, and federal governments as well as acquiring community funding. Since then, the organization has overseen a gradual enlargement and development of the trails.

In the future, the focus of the association’s efforts will be enlarging and maintaining the trails along with developing interpretive materials and activities for better understanding the areas plant and animal life. The involvement of ACAP and CEIP over the last two years has been invaluable.

The rate of trail development has quickened and the quality of the trails has been greatly enhanced. Likewise, the Washbrook, which is the focus of much of the trail, has been rejuvenated and protected through the intervention of ACAP. This summer, the Nova Scotia Youth Conservation Corps joined the efforts, launching a project to promote and provide educational materials for the little-known trail. Years of hard work are beginning to pay off, and it isn’t over yet. This beautiful nature trail continues to get bigger and better

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Close to 70 acres of Acadian forest and 2 healthy brooks, the 3 kilometer trails are just 10 minutes from Downtown Sydney.
Amenities Hiking, Trail Living Parks, Nature, Outdoors Trails, Hiking, Adventure Location CBRM Visit See & Do


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Steven Rolls Follow Me
Due to damage caused by the Thankgiving Day Flood, there will be two more Baille Ard Trail work parties this weekend. Details: Saturday Nov 19 and Sunday Nov 20, from 9 am - noon. Meet at the parking lot at the end of Terrace Street. Bring a shovel and rake if you have them. All help is greatly appreciated. Please spread the word.

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