Bait & Switch

The O'le Bait & Switch - No Place For It In CBRM Politics

I'm not a lawyer so I have to ask if anybody knows if a "Bait & Switch" is illegal under the municipality act? I do know it is a dirty dirty trick to play on people for sure. Also I would like to know if misappropriation of funds from the Active Transportation trail budget for a trail that is not an active transportation trail, is illegal?

AFAIK, the Active Transportation Trail budget (and provincial $$$) was also heavily used to create an Active Transportation trail along the Sydney-Glace Bay highway. Let's keep an eye on that.

I suppose I could ask the Nova Scotia Ombudsman to look into it but I want to get a sense if this stuff is serious or not around here. The graph below shows a rough timeline of when this suspicious activities occurred, so we can figure out who was sitting in council when all this went down.

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A Bait & Switch is a dirty trick to pull in municipal politics especially when scarce taxpayer funds are involved. It looks, so far, like it is the case in CBRM
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ATVs also pollute, which is a part of their appeal to the a-hats
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