Barrier Free Carriage House for rent in downtown Sydney

The barrier-free Carriage House at Esplanade Executive Suites in downtown Sydney (with a view of Wentworth Park) is coming available for the first time in years. It will be available starting 01 Aug 2024.

We are entertaining expressions-of-interest for a longer-term rental, especially from a senior or someone living with disabilities. The Carriage House is 480 square feet. It was originally built as an in-law suite. It is nicely appointed with a full kitchen and in-suite laundry machines. It would be most appropriate for a single person. No smoking. We would consider pets. Parking for one vehicle and housekeeping every other week are included.

The Carriage House would be at the higher-end of rents for Sydney.  If you are interested, please contact us through our website at    Please tell us who you are, tell us about your situation, and let us know what resources you have available to meet the rent.

We thank everybody for their interest, but we will only be responding to people who provide this information we require.

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