Become a competent person for frame, tube and coupler and systems

Pre-Employment Scaffold Program

METI's pre-employment training takes just 6 weeks to complete and is the first step toward the North American-wide recognized SAIA (Scaffold & Access Industry Association) Industrial Scaffold Apprenticeship Training Program.

Become a competent person for frame, tube and coupler and systems scaffolds.

METI is proud to serve as Atlantic Canada’s accredited training institute for the SAIA and offers SAIA apprenticeship.

"I have had the pleasure knowing of Joe Pembroke for approximately 5 years. I have found him to be a man of vision and action. He started a training program tailored to support the needs of Eastern Canadians that provides not only industrial training, but training that meets all the requirements for easy transition into the Alberta Oil Sands for all his successful students. Not only does this assist the students in finding viable employment it also supplies revenue and spending in the Eastern Provinces.

I had the pleasure of visiting METI as they were graduating a scaffold training class. I found their facility to be top notch and as a fellow training provider I was envious of the ideal practical and theoretical training set up. The practical area uses all 3 major scaffold types (system; brace and frame; and tube and coupler) and includes some skids that allows the students to navigate their scaffold designs in a realistic environment. The computer lab allows the instructors to use all of today’s technology to ensure that all the students are well versed in SAIA Best Practices; OH&S Codes; and CSA Standards. This combination has produced some exceptional workers and that have a great head start in the scaffolding industry. I have personally hired some of these graduates and they have been successful in completing their scaffolding apprenticeships.

Since the start of this institute they have added the Journeyman Scaffolder Course to their available deliveries. I have met and have much respect for their trainers and all their supporting staff. I would not hesitate to ever refer anyone interested in industry training to attend this facility."

Yours truly,

Rick Beaulieu
Construction Manager
REDI Energy Services

Contact us at
(902) 539-9766,
or send us an email at
[email protected]
for more information.

Maritime Environmental Training Institute is a private career college, providing Certified Environmental and Safety Training for Today’s Industries … Coast to Coast.

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This pre-employment training takes just 6 weeks to complete. Take the first step toward the SAIA Apprenticeship Training Program.
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