Benefit Concert at Centre 200 UPDATE: List of Auction Items

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Major concert event at Centre 200 to raise funds for Fort McMurray


UPDATE: The concert will be streamed live on Sunday night. Stay tuned for details.

SYDNEY, NS  - CBRM’s Centre 200 in Sydney will be the site of a major concert event in support of Fort McMurray relief efforts. Cape Breton artists Matt Minglewood and the Barra MacNeils are in the lineup for the May 15 event. Further acts to be announced shortly. Bette MacDonald and Maynard Morrison will be the host and MC.

UPDATE: Cape Breton performers Bruce Guthro, the Men of the Deeps, Aaron Lewis, Jordan Musycsyn and the MacArthur Dancers have joined the roster of performers. 


Tickets go on sale Tuesday, May 10. General admission $20. Tickets available Centre 200 box office and Savoy.


The evening will feature ticket draws and auction items with all proceeds to relief efforts for Fort McMurray. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., show begins at 7:00 p.m.



Concert to feature ticket draws, auction items


SYDNEY, NS - The business community in Cape Breton has stepped up with donations to the Givin’ Back to The Mac benefit concert at Centre 200 on Sunday, May 15.


The OTS corporate challenge is underway with box seat sales and significant donations coming in to support the relief effort in Fort McMurray.


Ticket holders are encouraged to come early to buy tickets on prizes and bid on auction items. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.


Ticket draws at the concert:

Gords Sports Centre:  Can-Am XMR 570 Outlander Four Wheeler

Charm Diamond Centre: $1,000 gift certificate

Two tickets anywhere Westjet flies

Long & MacQuade: Guitar autographed by concert performers 


Silent Auction items:

Mayflower Mall: $1000 gift certificate

Headings Flooring:  Area Rug     

Burke's Brandsource Furniture: Recliner

Gordon Photographic: Cape Breton Canvas 20x24 Print w/signed book  

Majestic Entertainment:  10 Tickets/10 Meals Lobster Fest          

Bruce MacKinnon Original Cartoon (Autographed) from The Chronicle Herald

Long & MacQuade: Guitar autographed by concert performers 

Keltic Furniture: Chaise lounge

Keltic Lodge & Highland Links: Stay & Play Golf Package 

VIP Passes (8) Sydney Ribfest/Rotary Club

Gift Certificate from Lantern Hill & Hollow Beachfront Cottages and B&B Suites

Green Fees for four at La Portage Golf in Cheticamp

de Adder Original Cartoon from The Chronicle Herald

Larch Wood Enterprises Cutting Board from Destination Cape Breton

Green Fees for four at Seaview Golf & Country Club

2 Prints Lynn's Craft Shop & Christopher Gorey Art Gallery

Gift Certificate from Speedy Auto Glass

Stainless Steel Heron: art from Gordon Kennedy

Michique Purse from Destination Cape Breton

NSCC Gear from Marconi campus

Accomodations (2 x 2) Auberge Gisele's in Baddeck

Photos & Shadow Boxes from Dominion Sea Glass

Gift Certificate from River Pet Supply

Massage gift certificate from Potential Yoga Studio



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Lineup includes Matt Minglewood, Barra MacNeils, Bette MacDonald, Maynard Morrison, and more. UPDATE: The concert will be STREAMED LIVE on Sunday night.
A&E Music Accessibility Wheelchair Accessible Demographic Family Events Benefits, Charities, Fund-Raisers Location CBRM Sydney Downtown


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Michael MacNeil Follow Me
This is an excellent idea and will bring good Karma to Cape Breton and all involved. Best of luck
Ruth Dupe Follow Me
This is awesome... my daughter and her family were evacuated from their home in Fort McMurray this past week and I am happy to say her and the two children are now home in Cape Breton while her partner stayed behind in Edmonton because of work and waiting to see if he can get back into their home in Fort Mac in the coming weeks. We will be purchasing tickets tomorrow for this benefit and I want to thank you for putting this together. You guys are great!!!
Richard Lorway Follow Me
While helped to publicize the event, credit should go to Business Cape Breton, the CBRM, and all the other folks doing the organizing.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Credit should go to all the performers and volunteers that are donating their time. The CBRM and Business Cape Breton are being paid to make things like this happen in Cape Breton and I will admit that they have performed their jobs very well with organizing this.

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