Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop Thriving In Downtown Sydney

The new retail location of the Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop in downtown Sydney has been open for two weeks, and so far the results are encouraging. 

“The response has been very positive from those visiting our store,” said David Farmer,  Director - Social Enterprise & Charitable Initiatives. “The majority of the feedback we have received is that customers are really enjoying our new space, and are happy that we are now located in the downtown district.”

David Farmer,  Director - Social Enterprise & Charitable Initiatives

Founded in 1995, the Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop is a social enterprise of Breton Ability Centre and sells gifts and products related to Cape Breton and the Maritimes. The gift shop provides meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with varying abilities, and profits go to support Breton Ability Centre’s Charitable Foundation.

The shop moved from Sydney River to 188 Charlotte Street in Sydney, opening its doors on June 28th. A week later the first phase in the reconstruction of Charlotte Street began, limiting the block below Dorchester to foot-traffic only. 

“Despite the restriction, we have seen lots of customers coming through our doors, and our sales are similar to this time last year, which is terrific!” said Farmer. “The return of the cruise ships have made for some busy days, which is one of the reasons we chose the new location.”

Farmer cites the revitalization of the downtown core, the construction of the new NSCC campus, and the return of the cruise ship as reasons for the move. 

"With all the good things happening downtown, we thought it was the right time,” said Farmer.  “A prime space became available, so we made a strategic decision to position the store in the middle of the renewal.”

Farmer is confident that the development will bring more people to the downtown, increasing sales, and enabling the social enterprise to invest more profits into Breton Ability Centre programs.

To learn more about the Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop, click HERE

To learn more about Breton Ability Centre, click HERE


Best of Cape Breton Gift Shop

188 Charlotte Street, Sydney, NS B1P 1C5


[email protected]


Monday - Friday
10:00am - 4:00pm

Shop online 24 hours a day, 365 days per year!

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