Big Splash Swim for the United Way

From CBC Nova Scotia:

A small group of provincial government employees are attempting to swim three of Nova Scotia's busiest harbours to raise money for the United Way.

The workers will start their swim Thursday morning in Yarmouth then make their way to Halifax and Sydney.

The Big Splash swimming fundraiser, which has collected $20,000 in donations since it started in 2010, began in Halifax but has expanded to include the province's eastern and western regions.

...Following the dive, some of the swimmers will be driven to Halifax where they will repeat the exercise at noon near Bishop's Landing, then drive on to Sydney to swim in waters adjacent to the marine terminal's Big Fiddle at 6 p.m.  

A barbecue, also costing $5, is being held at both the Halifax and Sydney locations to raise money for the United Way.

For more see Big Splash swim for United Way expands to include Sydney, Yarmouth

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A small group of provincial government employees are attempting to swim three of Nova Scotia's busiest harbours to raise money for the United Way.
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