Bird Box (Movie Review)

Netflix’s "Bird Box" seems to have borrowed from the horrors of "A Quiet Place" with a monstrous entity ravaging the world into an apocalyptic nightmare, and the need to always be wearing a blindfold rather than staying absolutely quiet, but the movie failed to deliver the same level of suspense despite its star-powered ensemble and excellent cinematography. Where "A Quiet Place" relied on simplicity and amazing sound design, "Bird Box" relied a bit too heavily on star power and the production value of its visual effects.
~ excerpt from BIRD BOX by Kenn Crawford

Something I don't normally do is review movies, but with all the negativity surrounding this movie how could I not watch it to see what all the noise was about? If you're easily offended you might want to skip my review.

Read the review here:

The Fundamentals of Screenwriting and Story Structure is a new video training series created from the trenches of low and no-budget indie filmmaking by Cape Breton indie filmmaker, Kenn Crawford. The course includes:

  • 3 1/2 hours of on-demand video
  • 15 articles
  • a downloadable, 34-page workbook with practice exercises and online resources

This course will teach you what you really need to know to get your filmmaking ideas out of your head and on the written page as a properly formatted screenplay.
What you will learn:

  • How to develop believable characters that the audience can relate to
  • How to write realistic dialog
  • Screenplay formatting
  • You'll learn about Action, Suspense, Drama & Conflict
  • Screenplay elements
  • Where to find ideas
  • Basic filmmaking principals so you can write a screenplay that can be shot by low and no-budget filmmakers, and so much more.

For more information and to watch the free preview lesson, CLICK HERE

For more information and to watch the free preview lesson, CLICK HERE

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"A monstrous entity ravaging the world into an apocalyptic nightmare” ~Excerpt from the review of BIRD BOX by Kenn Crawford
A&E Movies


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Joe Ward Follow Me
I enjoyed the movie, although I felt that the first half was better than the last half. The early mystery intrigued me, but I realized that it was going to be difficult for them to bring it to a satisfying conclusion.
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