Bookkeeping for Freelancers and Sole Proprietors

Freelancers, sole proprietors and independent contractors of Cape Breton: you might have been experiencing a problem that you haven't been able to find an answer to - 'I need someone to maintain my books and financials, but my only options are too expensive or complicated to justify.'

Fyroch is here to fill that gap of 'simple affordable bookkeeping for low-volume businesses', as well as job and product costing, inventory management and data organization. Included services are:

  • Processing Accounts Payable including entering all bills, reviewing outstanding liabilities, and processing agreed-upon payments for your vendors.
  • Processing Accounts Receivable including sending out invoices and statements as needed
  • Classifying all transactions according to your business needs.
  • Reconciling banks and credit cards each month.
  • Preparing a Statement of Financial Position and Profit and Loss Statement
  • Limited tax and HST services, though this will be expanding soon
  • Answering questions regarding accounting posed by your CPA or tax preparer.

You will get a one-on-one approach, custom parameters as to what you want, and responsive communication. It is very easy to get started. There is no system or software you need to know or learn. And once the ball gets rolling, responsibilities on your side are extremely simple and minimal

If you are unsure about how to track your sales and expenses properly, don’t have the time to do it, or just plain don’t want to do it, starting with Fyroch can be your first step towards accurate and organized finances!

Visit for more information.

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