Build confidence and grow your business with small group learning

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Port Hawkesbury: March 19 - 20, 2020 8:30 - 4:30 both days Port Hastings Fire Hall This workshop is for women entrepreneurs or women interested in starting a business. If you struggle to overcome doubt, fear, and past failures and want to learn to become more resilient in the pursuit of your entrepreneurial dreams, this workshop is for you! You should sign up for this workshop if you find yourself getting stuck at certain points of planning, growth and developing in your business. You'll find this workshop helpful if you are struggling to implement new ideas in your business and don't always follow through with your plans. If you want to confront your fears and move through the barriers that are slowing you down by learning to use reflective practice to strengthen your resolve, this workshop is right for you. The program is delivered face-to-face in a classroom-style setting and is guided by facilitation and discussion of key ideas, practical application of new information, and coaching and mentoring to improve core competencies associated with entrepreneurship: confidence, self-awareness and action by applying the principles of reflective practice. The workshop is delivered over 2 days and includes 14 hours of training and education. At the end of this workshop, you can expect to have explored, confronted and tackled many problems that are barriers for women entrepreneurs and you'll have developed a series of plans that you'll take action against when the workshop has ended. Topics covered include: imposter syndrome what it means to be seen and success understanding your value failure and how you handle it time management language use and application blame and accountability your work environment money beliefs distractions identifying barriers self-coaching mindfulness emotional awareness work-life balance and integration stress management doing the opposite reflection techniques and practices questioning strategies leveraging your past experiences making different choices following through Each workshop participant will receive a comprehensive workbook, pre-work to be completed prior to the workshop start, homework, and four digital downloads to help the learning continue following the workshop. What's more, you'll have a chance to be coached by Heather and get some one-on-one help with what you're struggling with in your business. These problems are universal, but how you see them and how they impact your life is not. Work on what's important to you. For more information, visit Seating is limited to 20 participants. Please note: workshop fee DOES NOT include lunch. Please come prepared. One hour will be scheduled for lunch each day of the workshop. Questions can be emailed to [email protected] - if you prefer to pay via E-transfer or PayPal, please send an email to Heather at the same address. If you'd like to learn more, check out this short video series on my youtube Channel: Register Today!

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Build confidence in the skills and abilities you already have to grow your business with The Persist Workshop. Small group learning and one-on-one attention.
Demographic Female Events Courses, Presentations, Seminars, Workshops Location CBRM Location Inverness Port Hastings Location Richmond Port Hawkesbury


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