BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: MacMillan Land Company For Sale

MacMillan Land Company Limited owns several properties totaling over 1,000 acres that are located adjacent to the highway near the J.A.Douglas McCurdy Airport. See the image below and the attached file for the complete list.

The properties consist of 12 separate PIDs. Some abut the airport land, some are closer to Reserve Mines. All are minutes away from Cape Breton University. 

The land is zoned for mixed use - residential, commercial, and industrial. 

There are no liens of any of the properties. MacMillan Land Company is debt-free and all taxes have been paid for 2020. 

MacMillan shareholders would prefer to sell the company, but will also welcome leasing and joint venture proposals.

MacMillan is also open to exploring opportunities with immigrant investment programs. 

For more information or to make an inquiry, please call Dan MacDonald at 519-900-2823 or email [email protected]


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