Cabaret Marks the Return of Mainstage Productions to the HAT

Photo Credit: Cory Katz


Normally April would mark the 4th or 5th show of the year at the Highland Arts Theatre, but due to the pandemic pause due to Omicron, this month marks their first MainStage production of the year: Cabaret! Opening to rave reviews on the 14th, the Tony winning musical comedy has since nearly completely sold out with limited tickets remaining.

“I first saw Cabaret in New York City at Studio 54. Opening night, at the Hat, was a close second to NYC. You can't do better than that. It should not be missed. Excellent job everyone! We LOVED it!” said one HAT Patron.

Wesley Colford, executive and artistic director of the HAT added, “We’ve had a whole winter to plan and prepare. We weren’t sure when the moment would come but we knew we wanted to be ready first opportunity that came. It is such a treasure to finally return to audiences of this size with a show we love doing as much as the audience seems to love watching it.”

Set in 1929–1930 Berlin during the waning days of the Weimar Republic as the Nazis are ascending to power, the musical focuses on the hedonistic nightlife at the seedy Kit Kat Klub, and revolves around American writer Clifford Bradshaw's relations with English cabaret performer Sally Bowles.

The show is directed by Ron Jenkins (Next to Normal, Billy Bishop Goes to War, Little Shop of Horrors), choreographed by Cynthia Vokey (Dream, Disco Nights, Heart of Steel), and music directed by Chuck Homewood (Billy Bishop Goes to War, Disco Nights) and boasts a cast of over 20 actors dancers and singers. Masks are not mandatory, though they are highly recommended. The theatre is also maintaining one seat of physical distance between parties.

Running Tuesday to Saturday at 7:30PM Sunday at 2:00PM and 7:30PM, free tickets are being offered thanks to the HAT’s Radical Access program. The program also provides a free web-stream on it’s facebook and YouTube channel. The stream begins at 7:30pm AST on April 29th and will remain online until the end of April 30th.

Tickets to Cabaret can be booked by calling the HAT Box Office (open 12PM-6PM, Monday to Friday) at (902) 565-3637 or online 24-hours a day at

This show contains depictions of violence and sexuality. Recommended for ages 16 and up.

Production Media Reference: 

Wesley J. Colford Phone: (902) 565-5970
Email: [email protected]


Highland Arts Theatre

40 Bentinck Street, Sydney, NS B1P 1G2


[email protected]

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