Candidate Says Door-to-Door Campaigning Puts Voters at Risk

To help fight the spread of COVID-19, I will not be campaigning door to door.  I believe that door-to-door canvassing puts voters at risk of infection. In the best interests of all CBRM citizens - especially our seniors - I encourage other candidates to consider campaigning by other, safer means.

There are no paper ballots, no polling stations, or line-ups this year - a very sensible precaution. So it only makes sense that we - the candidates - endeavor to limit the potential for community spread.

Candidates and voters can engage via many other means; through social media, email, phone calls, and video streaming. With the technology available to us in 2020, we have more ways to connect than ever before.

- Glen Murrant

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Joe Ward Follow Me
Glen Murrant is running the best campaign of any CBRM2020 candidate right now. Outstanding. I know a great deal about Glen, while for most other candidates I know only their signs, or perhaps I've seen their photo on Facebook. That's not enough. For other candidates out there, the best thing you can do right now to enhance your campaign is to follow Glen's lead!

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