
Cape Breton Beginners' Geocaching Guide [VIDEO]

So you want to Geocache around Cape Breton Island? 


Well there's no lack of caches, that's for sure.

But what is geocaching? Watch this 1 minute video to find out.

So how can you get started? Do you need an expensive geocaching GPS device to find geocaches near you?

Absolutely not! There are a number of free or cheap geocaching apps available for both Apple and Android devices. Here are the best geocaching apps for both types of devices.

Top Android Geocaching App


C:geo - Everything works. Great Google Maps integration. Totally free.

Top Apple Geocaching App


Geocaching by Groundspeak Inc - This is not free at $10, but it is by far the best geocaching app on an Apple device. It has a functional compass and map, and logs for storing your found caches.

To see caches near you, use this map to get you started on your geocaching adventure: Cape Breton Geocaching

If you're in the Sydney area, there might also be caches as near as your back yard. 

Happy Caching Everyone!

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Tips and Tools to get you started with your geocaching adventure.
Living Parks, Nature, Outdoors Geocaching Visit See & Do


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