Cape Breton Biker Anti-Bullying Ride Gets International Attention

What started as a local rally in Sydney has now expanded to getting International attention. Cape Breton bikers assembled to do a ride-to-school run with Xander Rose, a boy who has been the target of bullying at his school.

Local media sources in Atlantic Canada and across the country took an immediate interest in the story.

The coverage didn't end there. So far, media outlets in countries including Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia also shared it with their readers. The major media outlets who published it include The Huffington Post, the National Post, Vice, the Toronto Star, the International Business Times, and top social media site Reddit. There may be more yet to come.

The support of Xander and other children who experience bullying is now a message that has traveled to multiple countries. Bullying is not acceptable, and community members will stand up for those who become the target of it.

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