Cape Breton Dorados Swim Team

The Cape Breton Dorados swim club has a long history of success in training competitive athletes. It also offers a program for non-competitive swimmers that emphasizes new skills, improvement, and fun. The Dorados club does not offer swimming lessons, but a program of skills development that helps build active, healthy individuals in a teamwork environment. For those who wish to compete, the Dorados offers a supportive and educational environment and the opportunity to travel to events at other pools. The Dorados have been active in the Cape Breton Community for over 30 years!

Each family and swimmer can decide if they will register and train as competitive or not.  It is in no way compulsory to register as a competitive swimmer. Swimmers who are quite young or new to the sport may wish to start out as non-competitive swimmers.  This gives them an opportunity to fine-tune their turns, dives and improve their speed and strokes.  As your skill and confidence increases, you may wish to attend competitions and meets.  Swim meets are a great opportunity to be a part of the team as you travel (mostly within Nova Scotia), cheer for your team mates, and be cheered on by your team mates as you accept the thrill and challenge of competing.  Swim Nova Scotia actually keeps a record of your times and every time you improve it will be noted on their website. 

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Our swim program is open for swimmers as young as 6 who are able to swim an entire length of the pool - and as old as 18.
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